Diamond Heart Soul Connection
Connecting with your Higher Self for Aligned Steps and Highest Timeline
Service Description
An advanced Light meditation to connect with your Soul, the essence of who you are, the Higher aspect of your personality self. Are you at a crossroads in your life? Do you feel uncertain of your next steps and afraid of making the wrong decision? Would you like to deepen the Connection to Higher Guidance, the all-seeing and all-knowing part of who you are? The Diamond Light Alignment technique is a frequency that sits within the Diamond Light Matrix. Through setting the intention you invoke the Diamond Ray, an intelligent high vibratory energy that heals whatever is out of alignment. The Diamond Light shines from all angles for your priority healing; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. As the hardest stone known to man, the Diamond has the ability to penetrate and purify the densest of energies. purify the densest of energies. This advanced light meditation enables you to connect to a Point of Consciousness, to have conversations with your Soul. You can ask and you will receive information in Alignment with your current level of Consciousness. A powerful meditation technique that re-establishes your awareness of an innate and continual connection to your Soul. Through connecting your Higher Heart to your Third Eye, through your Chakra system, you are able to speak with your Soul, at a frequency of consciousness and level of Light that you are able to integrate at this time. Information may appear as words, images, colours, codes, symbols. You may start to recognise that your Higher Self speaks to you through a unique pattern or code. Diamond Heart Soul Connection session includes: Intention setting and calling in your Guides Grounding your energy through the Goddess Aligning to your Pillar of Light Invoking the Diamond Heart Soul Connection Meditation Diamond Lab technology (How the technology works) (PDF) Playsheet (PDF) for Daily Practice Audio Meditation for easy download and playback (M4A)
Contact Details
Hood Barton, Dartington, Totnes, UK