Realise your Diamond Self
A Journey back to Wholeness
The Elements
As you Read, Ruminate and Reflect
on the words of The Six Pillars,
their Light frequency infuses and permeates your Beingness to Align with the
Diamond Template, the frequency
of the Diamond Light Matrix to Live
from your infinitely expansive Self.
Your Toolkit
Words initially outside of you strike a deep cord, a Knowing that sits at the core of your Being, a Remembrance that you are the Consciousness behind the Words. Through becoming the Observer, you create the Space to allow for life to rearrange itself for you.
The Diamond Template is within you waiting to be activated. Through Merging with the Consciousness behind the words you integrate your Light Body for
a renewed Inner Peace
harmonising your outer world.
Realise your Diamond Self
A Journey back to Wholness
An invitation into a Lighter way of Being through living in and from your Diamond Heart. Through your Everyday Life Transform self-limiting characteristics into their expansive qualities for exponential Joy, Connection and Purpose. Through living in and from your Light Body change the course of your life and evolution.
​​Available in Hardback, Paperback, Audiobook and Kindle.
"Beautiful, Joyful and InsightfulIn a similar way to Bhudda In Blue Jeans,this companion guide to life is succinct and impactful in every way. The reader can follow the flow or dip in and out for daily reminders. The guide reads like poetry from a soul mate. Absolutely wonderful."
"A Book full of Wisdom
I love the way Jane has written this book. It's very easy to read, full of wisdom, reminding us how to connect with our inner selves. I truly resonate with everything in it. A great little book to dip in and out of for spiritual guidance".
"The perfect perspective reset
Thank you Jane for this not surprisingly incredibly timed piece of magical wisdom. Just what I needed as I was feeling misaligned and disconnected. This beautifully encapsulated everything needed to feel grounded and reset to move on with confidence. Love, Luke"