The Diamond Way
A Lighter Way of Being into Joy, Vitality and Purpose
Align to your Higher Self
The Diamond Way is an invitation to Align to your highest evolutionary path. It is a Light Formula that enables the transition from living predominantly within
thought form into the Pathway of the Heart for a Lighter way of Being
Return to Wholeness
The Diamond Way is a Light Structure reflecting your Diamond Essence
enabling a step process for the necessary change in aspects of your life that need to come into Balance to return to your Wholeness and the Oneness of All things
Be the Change
The Diamond Way is a catalyst to break the cycle of suffering through limitation into your True and Expansive Nature.
An invitation to Be the Change
through Self-Empowerment,
Self-Realisation and Higher Purpose.
The Diamond Way
Life is your Learning Ground and your Playground
It is only only through your steady Application and Integration of embodying Lighter Ways
that new perspective and awareness enables positive and lasting change
Through expressing All aspects of your Being you Reclaim fragmented self to return into Wholeness
It is your Unique Daily Life that offers your Learning Ground and Playground
to transmute and transform self-limiting characteristics into their Light Qualities for exponential Joy, Creating and Purpose
Realise your Diamond Self
Realise your Diamond Self is the foundational Light Structure of the Diamond Way. The Six Pillars invoke
the Light that you are whilst the 18 facets
open a wound to let the Light shine onto and transform negative thought forms into their Light Qualities through
the Pathway of the Heart.
Diamond Light Meditation
Diamond Light Meditation techniques
come through the Diamond Ray,
an intelligent high vibrational Energy that goes to the Heart of the matter, to
enable Alignment with your Highest Self
purifying self-limiting Beliefs and Patterns, conscious or subconscious to enable
Higher Outcomes and exponential Joy.
Kundalini Light Yoga
Your Physical Body is the Unique vehicle
you have chosen for optimal Conscious Growth. The Kundalini Energy is your Creative Potential waiting to be Awakened. Your Body is a Living Guide, when Loved, Acknowledged and Supported guides you on your path.
Future Shaping
With each thought, word, action and behaviour, you are continually shaping your evolving reality. Dying versions of who you are have served ready to be birthed anew, it is essential to
invest time each day on your Future Self, an ever refined lighter version of
who you are, waiting to be
manifested on the Earth plane.
Living your Diamond Essence
A Full Immersion of the Diamond Way offers a Quantum Leap on the Journeyer's path over a 3-month period. The steps on this path ask for an unstinting Commitment to Self offering unparalleled bliss and change. Through decluttering Mind, Body and Environment you deepen a remembrance to wish to live your Highest Purpose, Joy and Service to Self, Humanity and the Earth.
Prem Rose Walks
Nature is your True Nature. Spending time each day in Nature brings you back into Balance through reconnecting to your Natural Rhythm, offering deeper connection to Self, a harmonising of the Human Senses sharing messengers and signs within and around you, reflecting the innate Wisdom within.